September 18: Cincinnati to Waynesville OH, 57.7 miles on the Ohio to Erie Trail (OTET)

We set off from Cincinnati by 9 AM.  We have adopted a much more leisurely schedule since leaving the heat of Kansas.  We no longer feel pressed to finish our rides by noon to beat the afternoon sun.  The shady riding of the Katy Trail set us into a new rhythm which feels much less pressured and enables us to stop and drink the coffee!

Pete drove today.  Lisa and I set off from the Riverfront park.

It was another beautiful morning.  The ride took us first along the Ohio River, where those riding the entire OTET dip their rear wheels.  We then had to navigate the more industrial portions of the city until we hooked up with the Little Miami Trail.  We had a few (ok, more than a few) wrong turns because the trail wasn't as well marked as I had remembered from a previous trip with the Bladeks when we completed the entire OTET together.  This time we will go only as far as Columbus.

Today our goal was Waynesville.  We passed through some cute towns along the way and had a picnic lunch in Loveland.  We did some sight-seeing, and of course stopped for coffee.  Loveland was bustling with activity.  The streets were lined with cars and bikes.  The outdoor restaurants were full and the shops busy.

Street scene of Loveland

There was a trail closure that necessitated a detour.  Happily my Lezyne navigator came to the rescue with the turn by turn directions along a VERY circuitous route.  Boy, was I happy that I had thought to download that GPX!!!    We made our way to Waynesville and our lodging at the Hammel House Inn.  This is a restored tavern from 1800.  Charles Dickens and J.D. Rockefeller were said to have stayed here (probably not together!).

Hammel House Inn

Our room was supposed to come with breakfast, but we were informed that since the kitchen is closed on Mondays we would get sweet rolls in the upstairs hallway.  Lisa to the rescue........!  Lisa spoke to Kinsey who negotiated free dinners for all.  Kinsey, who works as waitress, front desk receptionist, bus girl and probably many other things, turned a blind eye when we brought our own wine.  She provided warm and friendly service and also joined in a glass of the contraband wine.

Dinner on the porch.  Kinsey, Lisa and Pete

All in all another Howdy Doody day on the trail.  Hmm, tomorrow is supposed to bring rain...



  1. Hi there!!! Thank you so much again for saving our day by returning my fanny pack!!! I'm glad y'all you got free dinner last night. You deserve it. But you forgot to mention there never were any danishes. Lol
    Have fun. Be safe!!!


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