Day 9

Saturday, July 23rd
A day of rest for us and our legs today. Wow. It was sorely needed! 
We had a leisurely morning with awesome home made french toast by chef Lesli. Then we mostly lounged around the house. It is a beautiful big house. Our companion canines Frankie and Pearl settled in nicely finding shady spots on the lawn. We all caught up on blogging and talking to family, doing laundry...visiting the town...Baker City is a really cute town.
We really made the most of relaxing until somebody had the bright idea of rafting down the Powder River on a section that runs through town. Sounded good at the time. Other people were doing it. Why not us?
We were lucky to survive our white water rafting escapade using home made so called "floatable" devises made out of 1 dollar pool noodles and some sort of netting that was supposed to be used as a seat. We won't be patenting that idea. We are lucky to still be alive. Honestly, it's safer going 35 miles an hour down a mountain on skinny tires. 
(All ribbing aside; we had a blast!) BTW the masterminds of said invention did not go "rafting."
Anyways, when we dragged ourselves back from our adventure, Lauran had a full on italian meal going on in the kitchen to help us carb up for tomorrow's ride. Man, we are eating well on this trip! 

Special note: in reading the local paper we found out that we missed the annual Baker City Porcupine race! Dang!


  1. Livin' your dream and looking fabulous! Thanks for blogging your adventure!

  2. Good thing you had your dollar bills with you!


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