Day 16 Missoula to Hamilton, Montana

The morning air was chilly at 6:30 am. Well, that happens in the mountains. After a quick pick me up breakfast, we sagged it to Missoula. Again, erring on the side of caution because of the road conditions, we were glad to skip highway 93 for several miles and start today's ride in Missoula.  Once we unpacked the bikes and clicked into our shoes, it looked like it was going to be a lovely day! Paved trail riding for the whole ride! What a relief! We started out on the inner city section of the Bitterroot Trail. What a quaint little city! Lots of cool things to do there, but we just took it all in as we cruised by....

As we got out further from the city, we saw a small herd of Buffalo, a purple and white Buffalo too, some beautiful vista's of the Bitterroot River and the mountains looming up ahead in the direction of Hamilton. As we got closer to Hamilton, we could see the snow in the peaks. Cool.

Ticking off the miles, we cruised along the trail further out in the country, maintaining a pretty steady pace until we saw a sign about "the best pie" on a billboard. We put it to a vote and the pie won. Yum! After taking off that much time to enjoy pie (except Lisa who indulged in home fries a la Americain) we realized that the temperature, as promised by the weather forecast, was speedily going up. We needed to hightail it to our next destination: Hamilton.

Sue Shrader and I decided to, well, haul ass to beat the heat. I think we had 26 miles to go at that point. Right about at mile 20, we spotted Leslie at a gas station. Serendipity! She gave us the address of our lodging. Six more miles to go. And go we did!  Fun. We arrived at this gorgeous house on a quiet street in Hamilton. There is no escaping the beautiful Trapper Peak from anywhere in town. In addition to that, the accomodations were lovely: back yard patio ( in the shade!), fridge full of cold beverages, comfortable and spacious bedrooms and 2 living rooms. 

When everybody gathered around the table to eat the awesome meal that Pete put together, there was thankfulness all around for our good fortune all day long. It really was a lovely day. 


  1. Ride on team What is y'all name? The update journaling is great, yum on the pie, that's count as an energy bar ,right!!!! Prayers go up too

    1. Going clockwise around the table starting with Pete, Lauran, Pete's sister Lisa, my sister Sue, Stephanie, me and photographer is Lauran. Lesli is our driver and chef!

  2. Way to go you guys! You are making great progress. We've enjoyed the pictures - we have amazingly similar pictures from our trip! Had Chris for dinner last night and showed him some of our pictures. He seems to be doing well! Keep riding and have fun!!

    1. Thanks for looking after Chris in our absence. I hope he introduced you to Sue Turner who is staying with him!


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