Day 10: Baker City to Halfway, OR, 54 mi & 2,700 ft ascent

Starting at 6:49 am to take advantage of the comfortable 65 degree morning, we rolled out of Baker City and were quickly welcomed by a brief climb to 3,684 ft.  

This part of the route followed the old Oregon Trail and the Powder River for a good portion and included a fantastic downhill ride to Richland.  
Several of us thought this was the most pleasant ride of the trip so far ... until we arrived at Richland and had to make a difficult decision -- do we fight the heat and climb to the next pass at 4,131 ft or do we enjoy a berry cobbler at the local diner then hitch a ride with Lesli in the sag wagon?

Of course Sue Sister cruised ahead and already arrived in Halfway while  several of us opted to make the 6 mi climb up a very steep grade (5-7%).  It required 3-4 brief rest stops to catch our breathe.  Once at the top, we were treated to a spectacular ride down to Halfway.  But it took a lot of effort to get to the top!

For those who have traveled by car through this part of Oregon, it is easy to remember it as dry, desolate and even a tad boring.  But when you ride through on two wheels, you observe your surroundings on an entirely new level and can easily appreciate the birdsong, the rippling current and the verdant vegetation along the river bank.  

Our accommodations tonight are classic cowboy comfort -- the oldest house in Halfway called "The Shack".  

Lesli treated us to an Indian dinner -- saag paneer and curried shrimp over rice.  We should be well fueled for another difficult day tomorrow!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Stephanie's description of the climb was somewhat understated! The four that did the climb made a heroic effort on a very hot hot day!! We greeted them with dancing in the street!

  3. I agree! I was one of the cobbler eaters. And my recollection was that;
    1. Those of us who rode in the car up THAT hill mostly were quiet except for an occasional "oooooo" yikes.
    2. We didn't even want to open the windows of the car to throw water bottles out to our fellow "crazy" biker friends as it was sooooo hot!


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