Concealed Carry Magazine and Ice Cream in Hell, Dayville Oregon

 Concealed Carry Magazine and Ice Cream in Hell

Eastern Oregon .... it was hot as Hades basically.  107 in the shade.  You are truly riding across a hellish landscape of basalt flows stacked one on top of the other that act as the biggest and most efficient radiant heater you have ever seen.   The basalt is covered by burnt up, straw-like grasses and the entire landscape is sketched by thin lines of green that correspond to small streams draining the highland and cottonwoods slurping up water.  Ya’ll come see us!  You never see THAT description in the tourist flyers.   

If you live in Hell you do two things: 1. You become overly concerned with what the Lord thinks and 2.  you open up an ice cream place.  The young fellow in Dayville, Oregon did the later. 

He made a damn fine ice cream shake. Hanging on the walls of his ice cream parlor he hung various animal skins; buffalo ($1200), coyote, fox and ...wait for it Timber Wolf. 

Yep you heard me right.  Little Red Riding Hood got nothin’ on these people. On the tables of his ice cream parlor he had placed the latest reading material – Concealed Carry Magazine. 

Now, I don’t know about you but I had ZERO idea that such a magazine existed.  It clearly speaks to the total number of people who want to know everything they can get on Concealed Carry Weapons.  There was a good article on Kyle Rittenhouse.  You remember him, the 17 year old whose mom took him up to a riot in Kenosha Wisconsin with his gun so he could “protect people’s property” which he did by provoking an attack then shooting the people.

Mama’s little man.  He was acquitted and now is a celebrity.

The Ice Cream Man had a rather large side arm; maybe a 9 mm semi-automatic.  No way was I gonna as for extra gemmys on my cone (“You want what!?!?”).  I could imagine an Ice Cream Man might need a big gun to control the run on the ice cream store that comes with livin in hell.   

To modify a quote from James Earle Jones, "The world is filled with ice cream theft. Because ice cream theives carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise ice cream theives will win and the decent people will lose." – Open Carry Ice Cream Man



  1. Absolutely amazing love the blog!!

  2. Hmm. Open carry ice cream, where do I get a license?? Better yet, with the way things are looking, I’d rather go for the concealed option!


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