
How does one begin to pack for a 3 month excursion?  One in which space is limited and laundry facilities uncertain?  First off, make sure everything has an element of purple in it.  That way, everything matches the bicycle and everything else in the wardrobe!  A good friend of my sister once said, "if you don't look good, stay home".

Stephanie, the packing nazi, has limited us to a 22"x 14" x 11" bin for all our worldly possessions. In the past we were able to sneak some items in the panniers in the back of the truck or under the front seat of the car 🤫.  But this trip calls for drastic measures and self control.  Like wondering whether that extra pair of shoes might fit in the pocket behind the driver's seat....

22 days until we dip our rear tires in the Pacific and head back East.  I believe there will be a mountain range or two in between.  Follow the blog to see how the wardrobe holds out!


  1. Wait a minute... I don't see any undies in that photo. Going commando full-time? No judgments.


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